Hugh Johnson, chief investment officer of Johnson bIllington/b Advisors, said the downbeat economic prediction confirmed fears that have been building in the market for two weeks. ?The forecast by the World Bank just dramatized b...../b The flurry of activity extended to the Capitol, where the administration and its allies hoped for a prominent display of progress in the Senate before Congress begins a weeklong bvacation/b on Friday. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, ...
It?s a weird coincidence, but also not: we cover a lot of disciplines here, but it usually somehow relates to housing and real bestate/b, which is the stage where our daily lives play out. In a password protected forum, we could share more b....../b Looking back to expectations at the start of the year, ?the surprise was not that we had a bear market and a recession,? said Hugh Johnson, chairman of Johnson bIllington/b Advisors. ?The surprise was that events were as severe as they b.../b
Hugh Johnson, din cadrul Johnson bIllington/b Advisors, considera ca ?piata se confrunta cu o serie de informatii, unele pozitive, altele negative, la care este foarte sensibila si care dau nastere sentimentului de nesiguranta?. b.../b